Straight Bar Shoes with Quarter Clips

Item No.: Duplo8

Manufacturer: Duplo

List Price CAD 30.80
CAD 30.80
incl. 5 % GST

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  • Hardness of the Synthetic Material: Standard (orange)

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product description

Composite Straight Bar Shoes — Stability and Concussion Absorption Combined in one Horseshoe

Depending on the hoof condition and/or riding discipline, there are scenarios where it may be necessary to reduce flexibility in the heel area and to enhance the stability of horseshoe. For this reason, we offer a Straight Bar Shoe. Our Straight Bar Shoe combines increased stability with the concussion absorption powers of the urethane cover.

The use of straight bar horseshoes in therapeutic applications is diverse. Please be aware that the decision to use a straight bar shoe should always be made by the farrier on-site, possibly in cooperation with the local veterinarian, as straight bar shoes can impact the hoof mechanism.

In certain riding disciplines like gaited horses, show jumping, eventing, or fox hunting, straight bar horseshoe can be a good alternative since these shoes lead to a better weight distribution, providing consistent support to both heels and toes.

For further information on our straight bar shoes and their application, please have a look at our detailed product description.

Whether you are a farrier or a horse owner: In order to avoid injuries to humans and horses, it is important that you read and follow our Safety Information when using our products. Although our goal is to offer you and your horse the best possible support with our horseshoes and accessories, you must always adapt your speed to the ground and weather conditions in order to prevent accidents as best as possible.

Add Grip to Your Straight Bar Shoe

For additional grip, you may use spikes. Make sure not to screw the spikes into the area of the metal core. The metal core has some recesses where you can screw in the spikes. If you require a straight bar shoe that can be equipped with studs, please have a closer look at the "Jumper" and/or the Heavy Duty Shoe "Traction". Both models feature quarter clips, a solid straight bar and threaded inserts.

Debris Guard on Extra Models

Depending on which size you order, it is possible that you still receive a straight bar shoe without debris guard. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Manufacturer in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2023/988 on General Product Safety (GPSR)

Name: H. Frank Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Electronic Address:
Physical Address: Vorderfreundorfer Straße 20
ZIP Code: DE-94143
City: Grainet
Country: Deutschland
Phone: +49 (0)8585/96926-0